Emily Zasada | Short Story Author

Emily Zasada
Short Story Author

Winner of Esoterica Magazine's inaugural Short Story Contest (2023), shortlisted for the Masters Review Anthology volume XII, and nominated for both the Pushcart Prize and Sundress Publications' Best of the Net, Emily Zasada's short stories have appeared in ARTWIFE, Orca, A Literary Journal, The MacGuffin, Litro, COG Magazine, Hive Avenue, Your Impossible Voice, The Forge Literary Magazine, Straylight Literary Magazine, Qwerty, Menacing Hedge, Five on the Fifth, 2 Bridges Review, Spectrum Literary Magazine, Hypertext Magazine, Penny, The Northern Virginia Review and Flock (formerly Fiction Fix). Originally from the Baltimore area, she now lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and son.

Selected Published Works
Spreadsheet People (Esoterica Magazine)
Secret Rooms (Orca, A Literary Journal)
(link is to Autumn 2023 issue on Amazon)
Annual Gathering (in Issue 6 of Hive Avenue)
The Retention Device (in Issue 11 of Fiction Fix)
Life in a Bottle (in Issue 15 of Your Impossible Voice)
(audio link to reading of Life in a Bottle here)
Exit Beneath The Light (in issue 7.02 of Menacing Hedge)
(audio link to reading of Exit Beneath The Light here)
Snowman (in Volume 32 of The Northern Virginia Review)
Crystal Ball (in Vol. 3 Issue 8 of Five on the Fifth)
Burn Down this House (in Vol. 61 of Spectrum Literary Magazine; issues can be backordered here)
Careers (Hypertext Magazine)
Morning Sun (The Forge Literary
Magazine) (Interview with The Forge Literary Magazine here)
Company Party (Litro)